Refit Constitution Class Federation Starship

Today we bring you tthe Refit Constitution Class Federation Starship – U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC – 1701. This is the beautifully designed starship that carried Kirk and crew through their motion picture adventures. I often wondered why we never saw another ship of this class in any other iteration of Star Trek, especially when you consider how often the Miranda Class was used.

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Good Reads: “The Good That Men Do”…

For those of us who were disappointed by the Star Trek: Enterprise series finale “These Are the Voyages…”, authors Andy Mangels and Michael  A. Martin have given us a retelling of that story that is a bit more satisfying, far more detailed, and not the final voyage of the Enterprise and her pioneering crew.

 I don’t want to give the story away, but let’s just say that, according to an aged Jake Sisko and Nog, what we saw in the season finale was a much different version of what actually happened during that mission. For starters, it was not the final mission of Enterprise at all. In fact, the story is set just after the incidents that take place in the previous two episodes dealing with the Tera Prime story arc. Events in the series finale are very similar to what occurs in the book, but overall it is drastically different. We get to learn more about the Aenar, the telepathic brethren of the Andorians. The Romulans play a big part as the stories bad guys. Section 31 rears its ugly head again. This tale has far more action and adventure, quite a bit of espionage, and a tragic ending that sets the stage for the next story “Kobyashi Maru”, which I am reading currently.

I’ll admit it took a little reading to get into this book, but by the middle I was hooked. The ending was unexpected, and a bit sad, but good none-the-less and makes the whole read worth it.

I would recommend this to anyone who truly loved the series like I did. Enterprise is my favorite of all of Star Trek’s incarnations. This is a great way to continue Captain Archer and crew’s mission.

Available on Amazon!

Pioneer Class Federation Starship – Re-imagined Concept

This was a project that was long delayed. But let me start with this…I think that Ryan Church is a fantastic artist. However, I have the feeling that when he designed the new U.S.S. Enterprise, for J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek, he did not approach it the same way as previous Star Trek starship designers/concept artists did. There doesnt seem to be enough of the “Form Follows Function” philosophy. It took me a while, but I slowly began to like the new design. I get what they were trying to do with it. Once I reached that point, I had to design my own. I thought what better way to do that than to use my previous Pioneer Class starship. I have long had a desire to refit the Pioneer, and had tried some sketches using Excelsior Class, Ambassador Class, and even Galaxy Class components, but they never really gelled into a cohesive design. So, recently we started playing with the components of Ryan Church’s Enterprise. Using the film, and a few Fan-Based schematics we found online as reference, and a few months of trial and error, we finally completed this drawing. I liked it so much I had to make a copy and added a little color to it, something I never did with the original.

Art by Collin J Wood

We have recently begun drawing a new version of this ship, on a much larger scale. The image posted was drawn on 11×17 in. paper. The new version will be drawn 3x larger which I hope will allow me to include much more detail. I am also going to use those images of Tobias Richter’s accurized Star Trek 2009 Enterprise as reference for the some of the finer details.

Once this is complete, we hope to re-create a finely detailed rendering with our trusty old version of Photoshop, and hope to finish the other views and an internal diagram as well.

Ambassador Class Federation Starship – Schematic

From one of the better episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, “Yesterday’s Enterprise”,  here we have some great reference material of the Ambassador Class starship.

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Constitution Class Federation Starship – Re-imagined

Ever since Paramount released the very first glimpse of the U.S.S. Enterprise re-imagined by Ryan Church for the 2009 film Star Trek, I have been searching and searching for accurate images of the ship, even if they were unofficial. 3D modeler Tobias Richter, of The Light Works, was first to come even close to creating a decent 3d model of the starship, but you could tell that some of the details were off. Well, yesterday, much to my delight, I found the most recent release from Mr. Richter: His accurized 3d model of the re-imagined Enterprise. And it is awesome!  Now, if only we could find the schematic of the ship…

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NX Class Starship – Bridge Layout

Here are the bridge layouts of the NX Class Starships NX-01 Enterprise and NX-02 Columbia, accompanied by a blueprint floor-plan, courtesy of Gilso Schematics,


Federation Starship – Akira Class

today we bring you the Akira Class Federation Starship. The ship made its first appearance in Star Trek: First Contact, during the battle with the Borg. It made appearances later in Deep Space Nine during the Dominion War.

This class was designed b Alex Jaeger.

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NX Class Starship schematics…

Continuing on the theme of the NX Class starship, here is a schematic that includes the inboard profile, courtesy of The Drex Files.


NX Class Starship, up close…

Thanks to Doug Drexler, these hi-res images show details of the NX Class starship up close and personal.

Sadly, the DrexFiles blog is gone, so i am glad i saved these…









NX Class Starship…

Here await the glorious renders that were made available by Polar Lights when they released their highly detailed model kit of the Starship Enterprise NX-01. I know a lot of fans complained about this design, dubbing it the “Akira-prise” becuase of its obvious similarities to the Akira-Class starship that first appeared in Star Trek: First Contact, but I always felt the design was very fitting for the concept of the show. The level of detail in this CGI model is outstanding.