New shirt for a Star Trekkin’ Sunday!

With all this fantastic new #StarTrek news poppin’ up, its time for a new Trek Shirt! Building off the upgraded #StarTrekTMP deltas I showed recently, this has all 3 TOS division colors around the silver delta (in reflective vinyl cuz why not?) #Trekkie #TrekFashion #GeekFashion

Upgraded Star Trek: The Motion Picture Starfleet deltas…

Was messing around on the #Cricut, decided to update the #StarTrekTMP department deltas, influenced by the #StarTrekSNW command delta. I think it looks a bit cleaner like this. #StarTrekArt #Starfleet #StarTrek #Trekkie

All Hail Pike’s Peak!

I am sure a number of you may have already seen this on Twitter. For those that have not…Behold! #PikesPeak in its Captain Bravo Magnificence! #StarTrekSNW #startrek #ansonmount

Seems we even got noticed by CBR.Com, which is kinda cool. They posted a little article here