Iron-Man re-designs…

back on the re-design path here. Today we will go with Iron Man, taking a look at the most recent Invincible Iron Man armor, as well as some previous designs…

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An Amazing Playlist – Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Overture – Bear McCreary

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”; frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe

Definition of overture
a : an initiative toward agreement or action : proposal
b : something introductory : prelude
a : the orchestral introduction to a musical dramatic work
b : an orchestral concert piece written especially as a single movement in sonata form


Yet another unfinished Mr. Miraculous sketch…


Found this a few weeks ago. I had forgotten about it, which is partly why its unfinished. Finally trying a more dynamic pose but I wasnt happy with how it was turning out…

Mr Miraculous..Pre-design?


Ok so the theme right now is costume redesigns right? Well, here i have more of a pre-design (not really a word is it?) Mr. Miraculous was not initially a hero when i 1st conceived him. He was originally a villain who modeled himself after Mr Amazing.  In fact he wanted so bad to be there hero that he staged crimes so he could swoop in and save the day. It backfired, he couldn’t win the adoration of the masses, so he turned to the dark  side. The character still exists, but needs a new name since Mr Miraculous has been re-assigned…